How to design and optimise SEO for your webpage

In Singapore, it is estimated that we have a 4.8million active internet users, making up more than 88.5% of its total population.  People spent an averagely of 8.07hours online on different digital devices and webpage. As we are moving forward to a country that consists of high internet penetration of internet devices, digital devices will be the most efficient way to deliver messages to the public. Most business has shifted their focus from traditional marketing to digital marketing. 

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The simplest and more effective way website will be the priority for readers to decide access to it. 57% of mobile users won’t share or visit the webpage again if it is poorly designed or unresponsive.

So what are the key strategy to design a user-friendly webpage?

Is Your Website Really User-Friendly as it Once Was?

1)Readability. Majority of website readers would prefer to scan through the information they need in a more structured way. The web designer can format the content for easy accessibility by breaking down the information into bullets points, subheadings, short paragraphs and white space. Font size and colours of the theme plays an important part as well.

Bringing Back Readability to Web Design –

2)Navigations. It is important to have a clean website with a design and layout best suited to customers’ needs and habits. Keeping the menu simple will prevent readers from getting lost or spending too much time finding the information they required. Designers could add up search bars if there are too much content or pages on your website.

How to Improve Website Navigation (Examples and Why You Should Do It)

3) Load time. The load time of the website would affect how consumers perceived your brand. Readers would have negative reactions to the long load time and wouldn’t come back to the website again.

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Besides having a user-friendly webpage, you can adopt SEO to optimize the visibility and awareness of the webpage. It gives answers to consumers by giving them the potential websites to search. SEO would raise your authoritative voice in your field, which ultimately leads to brand trust and loyalty. Google is one of the most popular search engines in the world. With the highest share of mobile users in the world, you would be on the first page of Google’s search results and only 0.7% of users would click on the second page. Marketing campaigns tend to be a costly and long process in planning. Optimising SEO is one cost-effective method in building your brand. You will gain more opportunities to acquire more customers in your target market.

Google-Rank-Icon – Cultura Interactive

So what is the steps to optimise your SEO usage?

1. Analyze your website data. You can collect the data and use the behaviour report to analyse consumers’ behaviour. It would help you to understand what are the areas you can improve on or any dissatisfy from consumers. 

 2. Conduct thorough keyword research– Long website names or complex questions could be caused difficulties for consumers to reach out to your webpage. Tools like ubersuggest would provide customers with a list of keywords relevant to the content. So it would help to attract specific audiences.

3.Produce long and value-rich content. With a value-rich content would send a signal to Google that you are providing more information to the readers. Your google ranking tend to be higher because readers are spending more time accessing your site 

Defining SEO and its Best Practices | Status Labs

Are you ready to design your webpage and optimise SEO for your websites?

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