How to propose a Digital Marketing proposal to your stakeholders?

How to Write a Killer Digital Marketing Proposal- SEO Warriors

In today’s context, it is very competitive that most business has adopted digital marketing to promote their products or services. Therefore we need attractive digital marketing proposals to be more appealing and grab the attention of our stakeholders. Hence, there are a few important contents that we need to include in our proposal.

Firstly, We need to define our marketing strategy and select the most appropriate strategy to achieve our objectives. A good strategy will attract more of our target audience and get closer to them. We also need to have a high degree of value proposition on our products. It gives consumers a better understanding of what are we stand for and why we are the best suited for consumers. A value proposition can come from different where such as branding and services. At the same time, using preferred channels will be more efficient deliver messages to our target audience. We can also adopt different communications tools and it will help us to convert them from prospects to consumers. Developing outbound communications and event-triggered will be supporting and strengthening the relationship between us and consumers.

Besides, SMART will help us to have a better vision of our directions. With the specific objectives, we can differentiate ourselves from our competitors and be identical. We need to measure our performance based on KPIs to understand are we hitting our targets or still falling behind from our goals. We need to set desired goals and be realistic as well. It will make us work towards our objectives. It is also important to have a deadline on the performance of products. It would help us to understand the results based on the same benchmark compared to the previous campaign or our competitors. It would give us to evaluate whether is the proposal is a good practice and achieve better in next campaign.

Last but not least, we need to identify what is internal influences and external influences in the proposal. Internal influences are more related to the company’s operation cost and human resources. A well-trained workforce is able to deliver better productivity and create a competitive marketing advantage. Operation cost will be directly affected the revenue objectives and how we can scale up our marketing activities. There are some threats as external influences such as market structure and competitors strategies. A bad economic environment will be slow down the growth of the market and new product development. Competitors will apply digital strategy to increase the market share and gain more awareness from the public.

DigitalKoda on Twitter: "The internal and external influences on a digital  marketing strategy include: Internal -corporate obj -marketing strategy  External -market structure & demand -emerging opportunities -competitors # digitalmarketing #dsmmcm1819 ...

A digital marketing proposal is very important when we are expanding or starting a new business. It will help the company to gain more market share and create awareness. Any important content that you think we should include in a digital marketing proposal?

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